Suppoort us!

+++ In comparison to other European countries, Switzerland holds only rank 17 concerning LGBTIQ rights. +++ Every week we receive reports of more than six attacks towards an LGBTIQ person – and this is only the tip of the iceberg. +++ The suicidality of gay teenagers is five times higher than that of straight teenagers. +++ One can lose their job simply on the grounds of being gay – without being able to defend oneself. +++ It still depends on the teacher whether LGBTIQ topics are being discussed in class.

I want to help!
Your donation will bring us one step closer towards equality.

Together we stand up for gay and bisexual men to have legal equality and to be accepted in Swiss society.

Unfortunately, queer people are still marginalised in Switzerland: before the law, of the same gender are still treated differently than heterosexual couples, in our everyday life we still face open, as well as subtle discrimination. Furthermore, we still become the targets of hate crimes.

But with your support we can change this! Your donation helps us…

  • fight for our rights.
  • introduce queer issues into politics.
  • represent gay and bisexual men in the public space.
  • strengthen our entire LGBTIQ community with inclusive projects.
  • be accepted as we are.

donate now

We need you as a member!

We stand up for equality and acceptance of gay and bisexual men. As a member you can support us in this fight.

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Bank Transfer

IBAN CH90 0900 0000 8007 4157 7
Note: Donation Pink Cross


PostFinance AG
Mingerstrasse 20
3030 Bern

Tax Deduction

Pink Cross is exempt from tax – which means that you can deduct the donation from your taxes by sending in the donation receipt along with your tax return.